pochetUK Chapter

of the
International Perfume Bottle Association

A group for collectors of perfume bottles and perfume ephemera

Register for the Convention

Your Name:


    Delegates: Please reserve places @ £60 

Collector's Market: Please reserve space on a table on Sunday (no charge)

Dealers and Traders: I would like to sell at the convention, Please reserve a 6' table for me.
      (£35 members, £40 for non members)

Fees:    Delegates: £     Dealers: £           Total: £

Dietary preferences: e.g. vegetarian

Room sharing. If possible I would like to share a hotel room with another member:

Payment method? (Cheque, PayPal or Bank Transfer):

Payment methods
• By cheque made payable to "UK Chapter of the IPBA"

paypal logo In £ sterling by PayPal using the email address
  Please add 4% to the total registration fees to cover PayPal costs.

• By bank transfer to account "UK Chapter of the IPBA" : Sort code 050200, Account 29936154 

• Unfortunately US$ checks cannot be accepted unless drawn on a British bank.
UK Chapter of the International Perfume Bottle Association. Website Manager: Terry terry@ipba-uk.co.uk  0116 2478776 or 07714 671234