montage of bottles manufactured by Pochet

UK Chapter

of the
International Perfume Bottle Association

A group for collectors of perfume bottles and perfume ephemera

News Archives - UK Chapter of the IPBA

2015 Convention Keynote Speaker.
We were delighted that Andy McConnell of the Antiques Roadshow was the main speaker at our convention in Leicester. (Sept 26/27)
Read more»

• For sale: L T Piver 1896 bottle for valuation & possible sale. Plus Bourjois Cream. More»

• Summer Meeting 2014
Saturday, June 28th at the Adelaide pub in Teddington
Selling, Swapping, Lunching, Socialising!

• AGM 2014 Sat. 5th April at
the Adelaide, Teddington.

• Convention 2013:

Successful Convention at Milton Keynes Report & Photos»

• For Sale:
Small collection of Victorian and commercial bottles. Photos»

• Summer Meeting 2013
Our second summer club day was held on 6 July at the Adelaide pub in Teddington. It was an opportunity to meet up with other members and sell or swap spare items.
As usual we had a good pub lunch and the fine weather for once meant we could eat in the garden.

Amouage Dia bottle for sale. Details»

Our Discussion Forum is now available for your thoughts, gripes, hopes and fears.
(Almost) anything goes!
Post something today! Here

• Annual General Meeting
Saturday 6 April 2013 at our usual venue, the Adelaide pub in Teddington.

• Convention 2012 Photo Album now available here»

• IPBA Jacksonville Convention 2012
Photo Albums»

Summer Meeting 2012
A small but enthusiastic group met at the Adelaide on 30 June for lunch and a brisk trade in all things perfume....

• AGM 2012 was held on Saturday 14 April at the Adelaide pub in Teddington. Report»


UK Chapter of the International Perfume Bottle Association. Website Manager: Terry  0116 2478776 or 07714 671234